
Surya Namaskar And Cardio Workout | Day 10 | Yoga For Beginners - Yoga With AJ

2016-01-15 19 Dailymotion

Learn to do yoga poses including Surya Namaskar & cardio workout on Day 10 of the 13 day yoga session for Beginners with AJ

On day 10 of the 13 day Yoga session at home, learn to do yoga poses which will help you with cardio workout & stretches.

Cardio yoga workout is great for burning calories at a much higher rate than you would with a more traditional formats of this kind of training, the poses are ideal for getting in a very quick, dynamic, feel-good stretch, all while toning up muscles allover the body.

- Surya Namaskar ( Sun Salvation )
- Prasarita Padottanasana ( Standing Forward Bend )
- Shavasana ( Corpse Pose )

Yoga Instructor : Aparajita Jamwal AJ
Director: Suchandra Basu
Camera: Kawaldeep Singh Jangwal, Manjeet Katariya, Akshay Durgule
Editing: Kishor Rai
Creative Head: Kavya Krishnaswamy
Producer: Rajjat A. Barjatya
Copyrights: Rajshri Entertainment Private Limited